2013 PR Resolutions

| Written by: Kelly Schwantes

At the beginning of each year, I create countless resolutions in my that I hope to keep up with throughout the year. Each year I vow to eat healthier, focus on school, save money and many more. This year is different. I’m looking at 2013 in a whole new light. Maybe my looming graduation date has something to do with it. Maybe my wonderful internship experience has given me a new perspective. Either way, I am more focused than ever on my future career in public relations. I’ve come up with my 2013 PR Resolutions, which I know I can not only accomplish, but I also know that each of these resolutions will ultimately move me closer to my dream job.

  • Shake more hands: Networking is key in the public relations field, and I promise to attend as many networking events as I can.  Meeting professionals from various fields in PR can only help me grow as professionally and intellectually.
  • Revamp social media: In 2013, I vow to revamp my social media brand to market myself in the best light, while still sharing my personal interests and style.
  • Turn more pages: In our field, it’s imperative to be locally, nationally and globally aware at all times.  This semester, I am subscribing to New York Times and Wall Street Journal to make sure I stay up to date.  I have a list of books I’ve wanted to read for years. In 2013, I promise to educate myself on global issues.
  • Don’t wait until tomorrow: As we all know, doors can close as quickly as they open. I will try my best to not procrastinate on projects, applications, emails etc and to be ready for opportunity at all times.
  • Keep dreaming big: It’s easy to get discouraged, especially in a profession that is quickly growing to be one of the most sought after careers among college graduates.  I have high hopes and dreams for myself, and I promise to keep dreaming big and continue to push myself to achieve these dreams.

I can’t wait to see what 2013 will bring to not only myself, but also to all the amazing people who surround me and make me a better person.  And lastly, no matter what you do this year, I hope the New Year brings you happiness and great memories.