FPRA Cap Chap

Mentorship Toolkit


Program Overview

FPRA’s Mentorship Program exists to connect established public relations professionals with public relation’s young professionals. This connection will create an environment of learning and professional development.


Benefits to the Mentor:

  • Gain personal satisfaction from helping others discover and reach their potential
  • Gain exposure to new perspectives, intern opportunities, etc., from mentees
  • Expand professional and personal networks
  • Enhance coaching, feedback and leadership skills
  • Contribute to the professional development of the future PR workforce
  • Give something back to the profession

Benefits to the Mentee:

  • Accelerate growth and career development
  • Accelerate long-term objectives into actions
  • Gain greater control over own career
  • Gain a “safe” environment to address developmental needs
  • Gain learning opportunities from proven successes
  • Gain new professional perspectives
  • Gain a “go-to” person in the public relations field
  • Gain an experienced PR professional’s perspective on applying textbook concepts to real-life situations
  • Familiarize with corporate protocol
  • Identify long-term professional development needs
  • Realize the value of networking


 Expectations of Mentors:

  • Readily provide the time needed for mentoring
  • Perform prep work to understand the mentee’s developmental needs
  • Be prepared to share personal history and experiences
  • Provide practical, relevant readings to help the mentee’s development
  • Encourage openness from mentee
  • Provide senior-level advice on career guidance
  • Assist mentee in thinking through approaches to difficult work projects and issues
  • Mentors/Mentees should work together for approximately six months

Expectations of Mentees:

  • Readily provide the time needed for mentoring
  • Allow for minimal interruptions during mentoring meetings
  • Perform prep work on understanding own developmental needs
  • Be open and honest with self/mentor regarding developmental needs
  • Mentors/Mentees should work together for approximately six months

Getting Started

Download the Mentorship Toolkit. Complete the appropriate forms and email your completed PDF to goodnews@fpra-capital.org.