Celebrating APR Month!

April is APR Month!

Internationally recognized, the Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) demonstrates mastery of today’s strategic communications practice and commitment to lifelong learning and ethical standards.

Below are testimonials from Capital Chapter members who earned their APR credential.

“Earning accreditation in public relations is an important way for communications professionals to distinguish themselves in this industry. The media and communications landscape is constantly evolving, but the principles taught throughout the APR process help professionals establish a firm foundation.”

Drew Piers, APR, 2017

“Aside from external benefits like the shiny new letters after your name or the potential for career advancement, getting your APR does a lot for you internally. For me, it helped improve my confidence in my work by giving me a more strategic lens when approaching a project. I feel like I can deliver top-notch results for my clients.”

Stefanie Stricklin, APR, 2017

“My occupational experience has primarily been in governmental and public affairs, which was the driving factor in pursuing my APR. I wanted to prove to myself, and others, that although I am not a traditional PR professional, I could be effective and successful in that world. Having successfully completed the process, I can say it’s done that and so much more. I would encourage anyone contemplating accreditation to take the leap. It’s beyond worth it.”

Kelly Corder, APR, 2019

“Getting my APR was the perfect way for me to really dig in to the rationale behind the PR process. As someone who came to the profession via a non-traditional route (my degrees are in education, not PR or communications), I benefitted from a deeper understanding of proven techniques. It’s absolutely made me a better practitioner and impacts the decisions I make on a daily basis. Also, adding formal PR education to the hands-on experience I gained my first five years working in the industry made me more confident in my ability to do a good job.”

Amanda Handley, APR, 2017

“I first learned about accreditation as a PRSA student chapter member at University of Florida and I set my goal then to become accredited as soon as I finished my fifth year as a public relations professional…and I did! I first earned my APR from PRSA and a few years later my APRP from FPRA. Universal accreditation combined the two. After 10 years working in public relations, I focused on the CPRC and enjoyed the preparation and the process. APRs and CPRCs not only have an edge in our profession, we share a great comradery. Join us!”

Francine Andía Walker, APR, 1987, APRP, 1988, CPRC, 1991

“Earning my APR was a great way to reinforce my knowledge and skills as a public relations professional. I enjoyed learning more about the process of developing, executing and evaluating communication campaigns grounded in research, and I’m proud of the distinction that certifies my expertise in public relations.”

Shelby Boyd, APR, 2019