Member Spotlight – Sam May

Name and Title

Sam May, Public Relations Coordinator at VISIT FLORIDA


Tampa, Florida

Share a little background about yourself.

I moved to Tallahassee in 2014 to pursue college at Florida State University. In 2016, I graduated with a degree in Editing, Writing & Media with a minor in Communications. During my last semester, I interned with VISIT FLORIDA and thankfully got hired full-time a month after I graduated from FSU. After working in the Industry Relations department, I moved over to Public Relations in September 2017 and have loved PR ever since! In my free time, I love spending time with my fiancé and my 2-year-old dog, Benji. I love all things outdoors, traveling, and music.

What inspired you to serve on the FPRA Capital Chapter Board?

I was inspired to serve on the FPRA Capital Chapter Board to enhance my PR skills, meet new people, and take on the challenge of overseeing all of the communications and PR for the Capital Chapter. I am looking forward to serving this year and collaborating with the rest of the board.

What are you excited to be working on right now?

I am excited to be working on multiple projects right now, including helping revamp our current media site, develop a streamlined process for reporting, and assist with planning press trips and media receptions.

What is one piece of advice you would give others entering the field?

Learn as much as you can and don’t be afraid to ask questions! I come from a background with little PR experience, and I continue to ask tons of questions and really try to think outside of the box. You should always try to think of more ways to enhance your role, especially in PR.

What do you think is the biggest challenge PR professionals will face going forward?

I think the biggest challenge PR professionals will face is coming up with a streamlined process for reporting. I have learned that reporting is ever-changing based on your needs and what you choose to track. Deciding what is relevant in terms of reporting will always be a challenge.

What would your colleagues be surprised to know about you?

 I think my colleagues would be surprised to know that I used to sing in high school! Ever since I was little, I thought I wanted to be a musician. I was involved with music growing up and was in an Acapella group at FSU.

How has a mentor influenced your career?

I consider my colleagues on my team at VISIT FLORIDA my mentors. I am constantly surrounded by forward-thinkers on my team, and we work very closely together to ensure our goals are met. I work best when in a collaborative environment and when I know I am helping to make a difference. My mentors have helped develop my skills and teach me the ways of PR!                  

Why did you join FPRA?

I initially joined FPRA to enhance my professional development and learn more about PR from other professionals in this field. I wanted hands-on experience from those who work in PR daily, and couldn’t think of a better way to get that experience than by joining FPRA.