2014-2015 Capital Chapter Slate
The 2014 Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following slate for the 2014-2015 Chapter year:
President: Jan Dobson, APR, CAE
President-elect: Nanette Schimpf, APR, CPRC
Immediate Past President: Sandi Poreda, APR
Treasurer: Amanda Fliger Wood, APR
Secretary: Christina Johnson
Director of Membership: Cindy Muir, APR
Director of Programming: Stefanie Stricklin
Director of Awards and Recognition: Alison Faris, APR
Director of Development: Alexis Phillips*
Director of Communications: Karen Kirksey
Director of Accreditation: Kristen Knapp, APR, CPRC
This slate will be voted on at the July 17th membership luncheon. All current members are invited to attend and participate in the vote.
*Note: Due to a conflict, the previously announced nomination for Director of Development was declined. The Nominating Committee is proud to announce the new nomination.