Calling All PR Superheroes: 2014 Local Image Awards

Calling All PR Superheroes: 2014 Local Image Awards


It’s that time of year again! We are looking for entries to our Image Award competition, which showcases the best practices and programs in the field of public relations. We’re celebrating the Superheroes of PR: Saving the World One Campaign at a Time.

If your PR work saved the day this year, enter it in one of  four divisions:

Public Relations Programs – A public relations program is defined as a broad-based communications endeavor using two or more public relations tools.

Printed Tools of Public Relations – A printed tool is any printed material used for a public relations purpose, either standing alone or as part of a public relations program. It includes written material and specialty items. In the case of regularly produced printed materials, such as newsletters or magazines, one to three issues should be included in the support material.

Audio/Visual/Online Tools of Public Relations – This division includes any online, audio or audio/visual presentation or program that serves a public relations objective. Audio, video or electronic presentations should be submitted on a CD or DVD with a copy of the script or storyboard, if available.

Student Projects in Public Relations – This division is restricted to entries submitted by full- or part-time students enrolled at an accredited Florida university or college. Student projects in public relations include printed material and campaigns created for a public relations purpose, whether assigned for a course or completed outside the classroom. A photocopy of the entrant’s valid student ID must be attached to the entry from.

Entrants do not have to be a member of FPRA Capital Chapter to enter the competition. The complete call for entries guidelines can be downloaded here.

Entries are due at 5:00 p.m. on February 19, 2014 at Moore Communications Group.