FPRA Renewal Window Closing!
It’s time to renew your FPRA membership. If you did not receive a renewal form in the mail you can renew online at www.fpra.org or download the renewal application here.
If you have not renewed your FPRA membership, it has expired and must be updated to continue receiving services from the State Association and your Capital Chapter.
Please return renewal form with your payment before December 31, 2012 to remain a member.
All forms should be retured directly to the FPRA State office in Sarasota. You can fax or mail your completed from to:
40 Sarasota Center Blvd. Ste. 107 Sarasota, FL 34240 P. 941-365-2135, ext. 306 F. 941-906-1556
All members who renew by the December 31st deadline will be entered in a drawing to receive a full scholarship for the State Annual Conference registration, a $695 value.
Additionally, an FPRA membership directory is in the works! Renew before the end of the year to ensure you’ll be included.