How a Former Anti-FPRA Gal Ended up Enjoying Alexis Lambert’s Lunch Presentation
Written By: Niki Pocock – Communications Specialist, Florida Healthy Kids Corporation
A little over a year ago, I wouldn’t have been at the last Florida Public Relations Capital Chapter lunch. I wouldn’t have heard Office of the Attorney General Deputy General Counsel Alexis Lambert give a freakin’ hilarious presentation about media law (seriously, the dry humor was amazing). And I certainly would not have been able to look around the room and recognize 90 percent of the people there.
I used to be anti-FPRA. Yep. That’s right. I was on the board of the University of Florida Public Relations Student Society Association chapter all through college and I thought the Capital Chapter FPRA group was cliquey and snobby. I went to one lunch when I first started working in Tallahassee and felt completely alienated.
But then I gave it one more shot and met Ivette. And Erica. And Nate. And Jolene. And Kristen. And Lauren. And Heidi. And Molly. And Jay. And more, and more (If I didn’t list you, don’t feel left out. I could seriously spend all day listing all the wonderful people I have met through FPRA). All of this wasn’t my doing. These people came up to me, introduced me to others, who then introduced me to even more people, etc., etc. Everyone made me feel welcome.
Another reason I started coming back was because now the lunch topics are more along the lines of what I am looking for and the speakers appeal to where I am in my career. Alexis made great points during her presentation – communication with government clients is subject to Sunshine Laws, personal social media accounts reflect the quality of your organization’s employees (and can get you fired if you post sketchy stuff – consider getting your boss to check off on your accounts/blog), government agencies should put tons of documents online to cut down on public records requests, and many more quick tips that can immediately be implemented in your career. Check out #FPRA on Twitter for live tweets from the meeting (and every other meeting).
I was very proud to be listening to Alexis during lunch. Not only was I there, but I was happy. Not nervous or intimidated. I was among friends. I still have many PR friends who aren’t in FPRA, most for the reason I mention in the beginning of this post, but then I bring them to a lunch and even they say that they feel welcome.
Anyone else a converter? If you haven’t yet felt a bond with FPRA, please accept this as a personal invitation to come to the April 15 lunch. The comical Alexis Lambert won’t be speaking, but look for my crazy curly hair and come sit at whatever table I’m at. I’d love to meet you and promise to introduce you to as many people as I can. You might not know it yet, but you already are one of us :)