Special Event Staff - Media Coordinator

Company: Lauren's Kids

URL: http://www.laurenskids.org

Contact Person: Sandi Poreda

Application Deadline: February 20, 2018


Begins Thursday, March 1, 2018 and ends Thursday, March 28, 2018. This position will manage the following responsibilities:

Manage livestream videos during each walk segment
Serve as on-road POC for media contacts & help complete interviews
Work with media director to understand media likely to show up each day & pitch local markets each morning to ensure coverage
Communicate media & interview needs to CVS for general awareness/support
Manage interview locations – work with Pace Car to figure out ideal on-road interview locations & timing for arrival to said location
Support LB during interviews – provide LB with localized TPs, ensure she has materials available if desired (curriculum, Guide to Hope & Healing, etc.), ensure she is able to meet back up with Walk group if she gets separated due to interview, etc.
Support on-road videography efforts (help videography team secure walker interviews)
Support social/digital as needed (CVS will be responsible for 1 AM & 1 PM post); possible responsibilities include:
Pushing out Twitter content periodically throughout the day
Authoring daily blog with summary of each day’s efforts – to be turned in to CVS for editing early each evening (time management is key here)
Managing survivor reflection as part of daily blog
Support advance / event / general staffing as needed

PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. BULLDOG STRATEGY GROUP will pay compensation to CONTRACTOR for Services. Payments will be made as follows:

$3,000, to be paid on March 28, 2018
Lauren’s Kids will provide an additional per diem of $30/day when CONTRACTOR is traveling
All travel and accommodations and approved out of pocket costs will be reimbursed

How to Apply

Email resume to sandi@bulldogstrategygroup.com

Job Originally Posted on: Tuesday, February 13, 2018