Press Secretary

Company: Florida Department of Children and Families


Application Deadline: August 9, 2019


Florida Department of Children and Families
Press Secretary

Location: Tallahassee, FL

Reports to:
DCF Communications Director

Summary of Position:
This is a highly professional and administrative position responsible for the compilation and organization of program, operation, and incident specific information to disseminate to media, legislators, and the public.

Starting Salary:

This position provides direct support to the Office of Communications, within the Office of the Secretary. The duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Serve as the department’s press secretary by acting as lead spokesperson for the agency with the members of the media.
• Coordinate, track, and respond to media inquiries for local, regional, state, and national media outlets.
• Work with regional and program offices to gather information and formulate responses for the media.
• Prepare and research department information for the Secretary and leadership for interacting with the media.
• Draft press releases, media statements, and talking points for the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Chief of Staff, and leadership.
• Provide direct support to the Emergency Operations Center (ESF-14) during an activation.

• Collect and process relevant information in the appropriate format, such as a press release, social media, web post, or other method of delivery.
• Compile data and statistics for use in creating department talking points, speeches, and media responses through coordination with the appropriate program offices, operational, and administrative staff, as well as coordinators of special initiatives.
• Format and edit documents, publications, and presentations for program offices and department leadership.

• Assist in the direction of the department’s web services staff, including assisting with the creation/updating/maintenance of the department’s internal and external sites and approving adjustments or updates as needed.
• Collaborate on the design of collateral materials associated with the consumption of department information, such as prevention posters, flyers, brochures, web site content, as well as reports and publications.
• Serve as backup point of contact for EOG communications staff and regional communications directors.
• Serve as communications contact for department programs, operations, and coordinators of special initiatives for information gathering purposes.


Qualifications should include:
• Strong writing skills
• Effective time management
• Background in applied journalism/communications skills
• On-the-record experience preferred

How to Apply

Please send resumes and cover letter to:

Job Originally Posted on: Thursday, August 1, 2019