Doak to ‘Dena: FSU PR Hits the Road

This past Thursday, the Capital Chapter hosted the March luncheon called “Doak to ‘Dena: FSU’s Road to the BCS National Championship” at the FSU Stadium. Moderator Robby Cunningham, Chief Communications Officer for the FSU Alumni Association, led a diverse panel in discussing the behind-the-scenes PR of Florida State’s road to the Championship. Panelists included Jason […]

Student Scholarship Opportunity

Student Scholarship Opportunity

The Capital Chapter is seeking applications for the 2014 Dr. Jay Rayburn Scholarship. The winner of the scholarship will receive $500. Applications are due Wednesday, April 16, 2014. Applicants must be current or intended communications students currently enrolled at FSU, FAMU or TCC, and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Proof of FPRA student […]

Call for Nominations: Stanley Tait Award, Joe Curley Award

Stanley Tait Professional Award for Service – Call for Nominations The Stanley Tait Professional Award for Service to the Capital Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association has been established as the highest, most prestigious award of the Chapter. The award honors the spirit, professionalism, and leadership of Stanley Tait, award-winning counselor and mentor to many […]

The Benefits of LinkedIn

President and CEO of Netweave Social Networking Kevin McNulty caught the FPRA Capital Chapter members up to speed on the latest updates to LinkedIn and how they can be utilized as a PR tool. With over 277 million users worldwide and 87 million of those in the U.S. (and growing), its now the third largest […]

Generational Differences and PR

Last month the Capital Chapter kicked 2014 off with a half day professional development seminar called “Talkin’ Bout My Generation: Decoding the Differences Among Us.” The day began with a presentation by Dr. Jean Twenge, Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University and author of more than 100 scientific publications and books, including The Narcissism Epidemic:Living in […]

Our New Year’s Resolutions

It’s 2014, and the Capital Chapter has big plans for this year. We’re going to launch the first ever Cap Chap Challenge, with a little help from a celebrity friend; we’re going to keep recruiting new members throughout the Big Bend Area; and we’re going to keep looking for ways to increase the value of […]

Calling All PR Superheroes: 2014 Local Image Awards

Calling All PR Superheroes: 2014 Local Image Awards

UPDATED DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH It’s that time of year again! We are looking for entries to our Image Award competition, which showcases the best practices and programs in the field of public relations. We’re celebrating the Superheroes of PR: Saving the World One Campaign at a Time. If your PR work saved the day […]

NASA Public Affairs – Past, Present and Future

As a child growing up in Florida, I was fascinated about all things NASA so when I received the email that November’s FPRA Monthly Lunch Meeting speaker is to be Lisa Malone, APR, CPRC, Director of Public Affairs at NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, I was very excited. A question immediately […]

Public Speaking Tips for PR Pros

PR has made the top 10 list of most stressful jobs for several years, surely due in part to one of the most terrifying occupational hazards PR Pros face every day… public speaking. At October’s Monthly Luncheon Meeting, speaker Mark Zeigler gave some helpful pointers about how to survive this experience, give public speeches like a […]

CapChap Holiday Community Service Project

The Capital Chapter is excited to announce that we will spread holiday cheer this year to some local veterans through our holiday community service project. Members are invited to support residents of the Tallahassee Veterans’ Village by bringing donated household items to the November 21st meeting and/or the December Social. The Veterans’ Village is a two-year transitional […]