Stanley Tait Professional Award for Service

The Stanley Tait Professional Award for Service to the Capital Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association has been established as the highest, most prestigious award of the chapter. The award honors the spirit, professionalism, and leadership of Stanley Tait, award-winning counselor and mentor to many within the Chapter.

The purpose of the award is to recognize a member of the Capital Chapter for his/her outstanding contribution to the Chapter and the field of public relations. This year, the Stanley Tait Professional Award will be presented during the Image Awards ceremony.

Criteria for Nomination
Must be a member in good standing.
Must be an FPRA member for a minimum of seven years.
Must have made outstanding and long lasting contributions to FPRA and to the public relations profession in ways other than as an FPRA or Chapter officer.

Nomination Form

Name of Nominee ____________________________________ Number of Years in FPRA

1.    Describe the outstanding and long lasting contributions this member has made to FPRA in ways other than as an FPRA or Chapter officer.

2.    Describe the outstanding and long lasting contributions this member has made to the public relations profession in ways other than as an FPRA or Chapter officer.

3.    To what other groups has this public relations professional volunteered his/her time and expertise that made a difference?

4.    What honors and awards has this public relations professional received?

If necessary, please add a one-page, double-spaced typed rationale for this nomination.

Send form and rationale by Friday, March 16 at 5 p.m. to: Erica Villanueva, FPRA president-elect, by e-mail to or fax to 850.224.2882.